Ever since I was a kid, like most boys, I was fascinated with anything to do with space. The starry kind, not the wide open ones. To this day, I love reading about what new projects that @nasa is undertaking. I look forward to the day that we can accomplish President Obama's bold new initiative to send crewed missions beyond the moon into deep space.
Freebie – iTunes Visualiser iPhone Wallpapers
What better way to start off the New Year than with some freebie iPhone Wallpaper.
I love the iTunes Visualiser. I could sit and watch it for hours. It certainly beats the hell out of Windows Media Player's “Bars & Waves”. These freebie iPhone wallpapers feature the iTunes visualiser in all it's glory.
My Windows 7 Installation Experience
Unless you've been hiding under a rock, you would've no doubt heard that Microsoft Windows 7 was recently released to the retail market, on October 22. If you know me even the slightest, you'll know that I've been hanging out for the Win7 release purely so that I could finally rid myself of Windows Vista.
Freebie – 8 Colorful Streaky iPhone Wallpapers
You should know by now how much I love my iPhone. So, what could be better than creating some more wallpapers for it right!? I hope you like 🙂
8 Grungy iPhone Wallpapers
So, I was up late the other night and needed to find some inspiration. What better way than whipping up a few iPhone wallpapers for no particular reason.