Adding a WordPress 3.0 menu to your theme

Posted in Tutorials, WordPress by
Anthony Hortin
(Updated: October 12, 2012)

One of the things that has been really lacking in WordPress is the ability to easily administer your theme menu(s). Sure, there are quite a few plugins available that made it significantly easier, but there was never any “built in” methods. This has now changed with the release of WordPress 3.0 and in my opinion, it’s one its best new features.

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Maddison Designs Site Redesign

Posted in Design by
Anthony Hortin
(Updated: November 12, 2011)

I’ve finally managed to finish the redesign and launch of my site during this last week. I like to think of it as more of a freshen up than a complete redesign as I’ve kept certain design elements from the previous version.

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Never Ever Have Blank Lines Outside Your WordPress PHP Tags

Posted in WordPress by
Anthony Hortin
(Updated: March 10, 2012)

I had my day planned out nicely. Only a few minor updates to make on my WordPress theme for my new site and I would’ve been done (coding wise). Then it happened! I logged into the admin Dashboard to make a few content tweaks and things seemed a bit strange. When I tried to save some content updates, the page just wouldn’t refresh properly. I even tried logging out of the dashboard… But still no luck 😥

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How To Add Multiple Widget Sidebars To Your WordPress Blog

Posted in Tutorials, WordPress by
Anthony Hortin
(Updated: October 12, 2012)

I’ve found that the term “sidebar” within WordPress can have multiple meanings. Within your index.php file you will most likely find a call to the php function get_sidebar(). This is referring to the sidebar column, sometimes called the right-hand (or left-hand) navigation column. A sidebar also refers to the location where you add all your Widgets. The Widgets control the content that appears within the sidebar (column) and will usually display lists such as your Recent Posts, Categories, Links or dozens of other items.

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Design Tips For Creating HTML Emails

Posted in Development by
Anthony Hortin
(Updated: November 12, 2011)

If you think that because you know how to code a web page, an HTML email should be “no trouble”, then think again. There are lots of considerations that you need to take into account to get your HTML email to render correctly across the numerous email and web mail clients.

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