Well, it seems like it was only last week that I was helping to organise WordCamp Melbourne 2013. In fact, it's been just over a month since this two day extravaganza was held, way back on the weekend of April 27-28th at the historic Storey Hall within RMIT University.
Submitting to the WordPress Theme Directory
I recently made a presentation at the monthly WordPress Melbourne meetup on getting a WordPress theme ready for submission to the WordPress Theme Directory. It covered the Theme Review Guidelines, WordPress development standards and the GPL requirements along with testing requirements. Everything you need to know about making your theme submission as smooth as possible.
WordCamp Sydney Recap #wcsyd
WordCamp Sydney was held over two days recently, and I was lucky enough to fly north for the weekend to attend. Over 215 people made the trip to Sydney, which made for a great weekend. Attendees ranged from theme developers, plugin developers, web hosts, bloggers all the way through to people who simply use WordPress to power their site.
Review: WooCommerce eCommerce WordPress plugin
ECommerce websites are a huge business and they're only getting bigger. According to the US Commerce Department, eCommerce sales within the US alone totalled $194.3 billion in 2011. Whoa! This figure is only going to increase as more and more people see the benefits of buying & selling online.
Updating your WordPress Post Data after Changing your Custom Post Type Name
Custom Post Types (CPTs) are a fantastic feature within WordPress. They allow you to define your own Post Type and how it operates within WordPress. As an example, if you're creating a movie review site you might make a Custom Post Type called ‘movies' and include Custom Meta Boxes and seperate entry fields for data such as “Genre”, “Release Date”, “Director”, etc., rather than adding all the content into the standard edit field. This makes for much easier to manage data when displaying it within your theme.