It finally happened!! After what felt like months of waiting, my WordPress theme that I submitted to the official WordPress Themes Directory finally got approved. Yay! It's called Quark and it's a simple and elegant starter theme built on HTML5 & CSS3.
Freebie – Phases Of The Moon Wallpaper
Ever since I was a kid, like most boys, I was fascinated with anything to do with space. The starry kind, not the wide open ones. To this day, I love reading about what new projects that @nasa is undertaking. I look forward to the day that we can accomplish President Obama's bold new initiative to send crewed missions beyond the moon into deep space.
Freebie – iTunes Visualiser iPhone Wallpapers
What better way to start off the New Year than with some freebie iPhone Wallpaper.
I love the iTunes Visualiser. I could sit and watch it for hours. It certainly beats the hell out of Windows Media Player's “Bars & Waves”. These freebie iPhone wallpapers feature the iTunes visualiser in all it's glory.
Freebie – 8 Colorful Streaky iPhone Wallpapers
You should know by now how much I love my iPhone. So, what could be better than creating some more wallpapers for it right!? I hope you like 🙂
Freebie – 8 Grungy Apple Wallpapers
Yesterday I posted some iPhone wallpapers. Due to the huge amount of requests, I've now made some matching desktop wallpapers. Ok, so there weren't really any requests, but i've made them anyway.