I recently had the pleasure of joining in on a discussion on Hand Coding versus using WYSIWYG editors, with the awesome guys from the Motley Design Crew. Jane was on the side of WYSIWYG editors while I was espousing the merits of hand coding. Whilst weighing up the pros and cons of each method, we all agreed there's no right or wrong way to code up a site. It all comes down to what works best for you.
During our discussion we also touched on topics such as GeoTagging networks like Foursquare, (the recently bought out) Gowalla and Path.
The MotleyCrue Cast is a podcast for creative individuals both freelance and professional in any field, hosted by Joshua Rapp of Rappsody Studios and Jane Clark of Teakettica, and produced by Pablo Lara in association with The Motley Design Crue.
You can listen to the podcast on the Motley Design Crew site or you can even subscribe via iTunes. Go check it out. You know you want to!